Finally got a phone call for some work to do!!! No one can call me lazy; that's for sure! I am working on projects for Fall/Winter/Holiday 2010! Yep, that far in advance is how it rolls!
Can't divulge the details.... don't want competitors to find out. :o)
The economy has really slowed down the "creative biz". Companies watching their budgets decide they don't need samples of items.... they cut their costs that way. But for me (and quite a few creative buds of mine) that is not good news.
Next personal project is pending.... I'm thinking a sanity wheel that I can just spin to my heart's content and it will tell me whether to admit myself or keep plugging away in the chaotic world of parenthood. It would be like The Price Is Right wheel! spinning, spinning, spinning.
I went to a party recently at a local candle making shop. Had a fab time and realized... "hey, I can do this!". Like I need ONE more hobby!!! Arrrggggghhhhhh! Plus, it cost me over $100 for about 7 candles of varying size. I found some information about using your old candles (you know the ones that burned incorrectly and have all that wax domed around the tunnel down the center which burned?)to make new ones.... just would have to buy new wicks and probably a mold or two. I'll keep you posted how it goes. That may be a summer break project with my kids.
DecoArt Front Door and Shutter Makeover
As I mentioned in my last post, I have moved on from the world of design
teams and publication and replaced it with a "just for fun" attitude. I am
6 years ago