Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day In the lah la laaaaa

Remember Mr. Rogers... if any of you are my age, you KNOW you do! "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... won't ... my .... neighbor?"

Ah, had a great yet quick (had to pick up my son at school) lunch with a beautiful friend. We had an in-depth discussion (between chewing yummy morsels from Never Enough Thyme) about the qualities of a true friend, friendship, and how to tell who you really connect with in this life.

We all know who we have connections with. I find it interesting and frustrating sometimes because I am an extrovert...especially with close pals (or of course after a few margaritas! LOL)
My husband has a difficult time fulfilling my "friendship" type needs... All others are well met though... have no fear (I don't want him to read this and think I'm 'dissing' him). I so very need a close girlfriend who I can share all my worries, concerns, griping about our kids or our husbands, happy times, and boring times with. I really miss that. I had a couple of fantastic girls in Ohio (Renee & Christine) when we lived there who I still remain in contact with to this day. We haven't seen each other in 5 plus years, but I'm sure, when ever we meet up again, nothing will have changed.... maybe our hair color, hair style, weight, and a few added "experience" lines but everything else will just kick back in to our connection with one another.

I want my BFF and her hubby (who will happen to really get along with my husband) to stop by unexpectedly. I want them to come over and watch movies... have drinks... play card games (we especially like Sequence)... sit on the patio and talk with a fire going.... hang out in each other's driveways during dusk.... Yada Yada Yada {This is were I wake up}

Sounds like a fairy tale friendship, huh? Well, I'm sure it's out there for me.... it's just not the right time in our lives or something. Who knows.

So for now, I will continue with my daily life... be super nice to every new possible friend I meet and hope that the sparks will fly when the time is right.

tina werner: big news... blog candy alert!!!

tina werner: big news... blog candy alert!!!

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